when i wanted to make an eowyn costume

Mom’s back from DC. She brought me back a monkey 😀 Think I’ll name it Chico.

Sorry to spill a little cosplay talk over here, but… deal! I’ve been looking through all the Eowyn pics I’ve collected so far, and I’m really pleased… my She-Ra wig will work for it, too! Yay! In the handful of actual movie shots I’ve found, her hair isn’t braided tho… I may go ahead and put several little braids in anyway.

The costume will probably be a hybrid of the illustration pieces I’ve seen thus far, since I’ve yet to find screenshots of the costume she wears in battle, of course… and I’m going to make it so it still looks good without whatever armour I plan on making to go with it. I want to be able to watch the movie while wearing this… I don’t want annoying armour getting in my way the whole time.

Remind me to sew pockets on the inside of the tunic so I can sneak cokes and cookies into the theater. WHOO!

OH I’m gonna go make a topic on the bbs (in ‘other books’ not in costuming) about it… I’d like to get some more pointers from people who have a better memory of the books than I do.